/manager/Index en-au 5 Postharvest UV-C treatment combined with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), followed by storage in continuous low-level ethylene atmosphere, improves the quality of tomatoes /manager/Repository/uon:33432 Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Neang Pich) were exposed to 13.6 kJ m-2 UV-C or 0.5 µL L-1 1-MCP or combination of 13.6 kJ m-2 UV-C and 0.5 µL L-1 1-MCP, with appropriate untreated controls. After treatment, tomatoes were stored in air containing 0.1 µL L-1 ethylene at 20°C and 100% RH. The untreated fruit ripened significantly faster than those of all other treatments. UV-C treatment alone was able to delay fruit ripening by up to 5 days longer compared to untreated fruits whilst the additional of 1-MCP further delayed fruit ripening. UV-C and 1-MCP treatments alone or in combination had significantly slower ethylene production rates throughout the storage period. The fruit treated with the combination of 1-MCP and UV-C was significantly firmer and had higher total phenolic content compared to that of the other treatments. However, there was no difference between treatments in soluble solids content/titratable acids ratio, chlorophyll content, lycopene content and total antioxidant activity. These results show that UV-C and 1-MCP treatment delay ripening and improve the quality of tomatoes in the presence of low-level ethylene during storage. This new treatment could be used to extend the shelf-life of mature green tomatoes through the supply chain without the use of refrigeration.]]> Wed 04 Sep 2019 09:56:41 AEST ]]> Extreme drought causes distinct water acidification and eutrophication in the Lower Lakes (Lakes Alexandrina and Albert), Australia /manager/Repository/uon:33558 via SO2/4⁻ release and limestone dissolution. Very acidic water (pH 2-3) was neutralised naturally by lake refill, but aerial limestone dosing was required for neutralisation of water acidity during the drought period. The Lower Lakes are characterized as hypereutrophic with much higher salinity, nutrient and algae concentrations than guideline levels for aquatic ecosystem. These results suggest that, in the Lower Lakes, drought could cause water quality deterioration through water acidification and increased nutrient and Chl-α concentrations, more effective water management in the lake catchment is thus crucial to prevent the similar water quality deterioration since the projected intensification of droughts. A comparative assessment on lake resilience and recovering processes should be undertaken with a post-drought monitoring program.]]> Tue 20 Nov 2018 09:39:20 AEDT ]]> Bioaccumulation and tolerance indices of cadmium in wheat plants grown in cadmium-spiked soil: health risk assessment /manager/Repository/uon:38961 -1) in agricultural soils. The half maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) values were 4.21 ± 0.29 and 4.02 ± 0.95, respectively, whereas the maximum health risk index (HRI) was 3.85 ± 0.049 and 5.33 ± 0.271, respectively, for Mustang and Lancer. In other words, the malondialdehyde content increased significantly in Mustang (around five-fold) and Lancer (around four-fold) compared with the control treatment. Results revealed that Cd content was well above the acceptable limit (HRI >1) in the two cultivars when exposed to different levels of Cd stress. The tolerant cultivar (Mustang) has potential to chelate Cd in the nonedible parts of plants in variable fractions and can be used efficiently to improve growth and macro- and micro-nutrients content while reducing Cd concentration in plants in Cd-contaminated soil. It can also diminish the HRI, which may help to protect humans from Cd risks. The two cultivars' nutrient availability and sorption capacity significantly shape their survival and adaptability under Cd stress. Based on what is documented in the current study, we can conclude that Mustang is more tolerant and poses fewer health hazards to people than Lancer because of its capacity to maintain grain macro- and micro-nutrients under Cd stress.]]> Thu 17 Mar 2022 14:21:24 AEDT ]]> Growth, metal partitioning and antioxidant enzyme activities of mung beans as influenced by zinc oxide nanoparticles under cadmium stress /manager/Repository/uon:46975 Thu 06 Jul 2023 15:23:14 AEST ]]> Light capture, skeletal morphology, and the biomass of corals' boring endoliths /manager/Repository/uon:39283 Ostreobium spp., are responding to the skeletal morphology. This study highlights that the structure of a coral's skeleton could be used to predict the biomass of its resident endolithic biofilm.]]> Mon 26 Aug 2024 09:40:16 AEST ]]> Bleaching Susceptibility and Resistance of Octocorals and Anemones at the World’s Southern-Most Coral Reef /manager/Repository/uon:50226 Mon 10 Jul 2023 11:13:00 AEST ]]>